What do I need to remember when moving abroad? - 10 Tips
When working with recruitment where we relocate people from one country to another, we come across a lot of questions and concerns from our candidates. It might seem like a big pile of unresolved things that you need to handle when leaving the safety of your own home country, but there is no need to worry. Today, we wanted to list a few things to remember when taking the step to move abroad. Maybe this will make it a bit less daunting.
– First of all, breathe and trust that everything will be sorted out and there is no need to be afraid
– Secondly, we would suggest you do a bit of research online about the new country you are moving to. (You can also scroll through our blog and website to find out a bit more about it).
Paperwork to take with
– It is good to find out what kind of paperwork do you need to take with you from your home country (criminal record, payslips, bank account details and such)
Tax number
– Where do you get the personal number in your new location (usually the local tax office)
– Make sure that your passport is valid, so you can actually fly to another country
At home
– Inform your local authorities at home that you are moving abroad (the registry office and social security authorities)
Get rid of unnecessary property and costs
– We usually recommend that you don’t, for example, keep your apartment in your home country because you will move to the other country for a long period of time. If it is a rental apartment, you can find another one if you move back. If you own the apartment, it is good to think about renting it out to someone while you are gone. Also, it is good to think about what kind of things you will acquire from your new home country and if you need to have a double in your own country. This could be e.g. insurances (that are usually valid only if you live in that country, so best to make sure if you are covered when you move abroad and should you get insurance from your new country) or a phone connection (will you get a local phone number and do you need your old one).
Find a home
– Even though most of our clients offer accommodation, in the beginning, to get you started, it is good to start doing a bit of research about your permanent housing.
Join local groups
– A good tip is to get to know other countrymen of yours in the new location. A good way to do this is to find their Facebook groups and join them. People are usually very willing to help and give tips for a newcomer and it will also help you feel more secure.
Tax return
– When you move abroad for a longer time means that you move to the tax system of the new home country. However, usually, it is required that you fill in the tax return to your original country as well as the new country, for the first 2-5 years. It doesn’t mean that you pay double taxes but it is something that is usually required anyway for informational reasons.
Hopefully, this list will help you make a plan for the things you need to take care of before you make the move. We also suggest that you make a to-do -list and cross off things you have managed to get done. Remember that many of these things can be done after you’ve arrived at your new location and often our clients are there to support you as well. Most of our clients are familiar with these situations because they have a lot of international employees, so don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.